Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oh! Mesir Oh! Egypt

Rakyat Mesir Merusuh.
Ketepikan sekejap isu2 lain yang berlaku dalam negara, kerana ada isu penting dan serius yang ingin disampaikan. Kalau anda bukan duduk di bawah batu, pasti ada terdengar berita mengenai revolusi rakyat Mesir menentang kerajaan pimpinan Hosni Mubarak.
Kalau anda membaca post ini, harap boleh sebarkan di facebook,  twitterblog, tumblr masing2. Kalau boleh biar satu Malaysia tahu sebab ianya sangat penting. Ini melibatkan keselamatan, maruah, nyawa dan masa depan lebih 6000 pelajar Malaysia di sana. Kita harap dengan tersebarnya maklumat pihak kerajaan dapat melakukan tindakan yang sewajarnya.
edit: angka sebenar jumlah pelajar Malaysia di sana tidak diketahui, tapi ada sumber memaklumkan terdapat 11,000 rakyat Malaysia tinggal di seluruh Mesir.
Ringkasan : Rusuhan dan darurat di Mesir adalah berpunca daripada revolusi rakyat menentang kerajaan pimpinan Hosni Mubarak. Revolusi ini diinspirasikan daripada revolusi tunisia baru-baru ini dan dijangka banyak negara timur tengah akan turut menurut jejak langkah rakyat Tunisia dan Mesir untuk ber-demo.
Hosni Mubarak ialah diktator yang memerintah Mesir selama 30 tahun, dan mungkin anda tidak tahu Hosni Mubarak adalah pemerintah kejam, perampas harta rakyat dan juga sekutu US dan juga menyokong Israel. Media Malaysia kurang melaporkan berita mengenai ini dan ramai yang tidak tahu, ingat Mesir…bunyi Arab tu semua aman…semua baik-baik ke? Dah jadi riot baru kecoh satu dunia.

1. Huru-hara dan rusuhan di hampir semua tempat di Mesir

Rusuhan berlaku merata-rata tempat, orang awam bertempur dengan polis dan tentera…ramai terkorban, ramai cedera parah. Orang yang tak bersalah pun boleh jadi mangsa tanpa sedar.

2. Internet, Komunikasi Telefon Bimbit disekat
Dah beberapa hari sejak kerajaan Mesir menyekat Internet dan komunikasi telefon bimbit serta servis blackberry. Menyukarkan orang ramai untuk berhubung.
Ramai ibu bapa di Malaysia risau keadaan anak mereka di Mesir yang gagal dihubungi dan tidak tahu keadaan terkini isu di sana.

3. 5000 banduan terlepas dari penjara

Antara kes “prison break” terbesar setakat ini…5000 banduan telah terlepas dari penjara. 5000 tu jumlah yang sangat ramai, dan agak-agak apa banduan yang dah lama kena penjara akan buat bila dah terlepas? Dengar2 banduan pula spesies ganas2 yang terlepas.
Tak mungkin mereka insaf…yang pasti keganasan meningkat dan ramai menghadapi ancaman teruk.

4. Pelajar Malaysia dirogol, dirompak

Dengar berita ada pelajar Malaysia di Mesir yang telah menjadi mangsa rogol dan rompak. Rumah yang didiami mereka dicerobohi dan mereka tinggal dalam ketakutan.
Ini bukan perkara main-main kerana melibatkan maruah dan nyawa rakyat kita sendiri. Minta pihak kerajaan Malaysia memandang serius perkara ini, sebab kalau ikutkan coverage di akhbar dan tv sekarang memang langsung tak dipandang serius.

5. Darurat, krisis tempat tinggal dan makanan

Tahu tak apa masalah besar bila darurat berlaku? Ramai akan menghadapi masalah tempat tinggal sebab macam dinyatakan di atas, kena ceroboh, kena bakar dll. Nak makan pun susah, kedai mana yang berani buka time kecoh-kecoh macam nie.
Lagi parah bila ada kemalangan, luka-luka dan terkena penyakit. Silap-silap dari sakit ringan-ringan boleh maut sebab tak dapat rawatan sebetulnya.

6. Airport, Balai Polis, Kereta diserang, dibakar

Lapangan terbang diceroboh dan di serang, dan segala urusan penerbangan banyak yang terpaksa di batalkan atas sebab keselamatan. Yang selamat hanya mereka yang ada pesawat peribadi.
Balai-balai polis dan kereta serta kenderaan di jalanraya banyak yang dibakar oleh perusuh. Terdapat juga insiden pihak tentera melanggar perusuh dengan kereta.

7. Bloggers seluruh Malaysia, take note!

Sebarkan maklumat berikut; dan minta kerajaan Malaysia memberi priority sebaik mungkin untuk isu ini.
Kita memohon supaya kerajaan Malaysia memandang serius hal ini. Bukan sahaja di Mansoura, malah di seluruh Mesir keselamatan rakyat kita terancam.
Segala update berkenaan keadaan di sana boleh dibaca melalui blog Krisis Mesir, Nasib Pelajar Kita
Jika ada cadangan di luar sana untuk membantu kami mendapatkan perhatian kerajaan Malaysia, sila hubungi Nurul Nadia Binti Md Zin di 017-3193923
Atau melalui: 
Facebook: Nuvul Nadiva Dizavch 
 Twitter DyyaDizarch 
Please let all Malaysians know about this. I will do the same but I need your help too especially to all the bloggers out there. May Allah save our citizens there.
- Nadia

8. Sebar-sebarkan berita mengenai ini

Mintak tolong sebar berita ini di facebook,  twitter, yahoo messenger, email dll. Nak copy paste tak bagi kredit pun tak kisah kali ini, yang penting kita nak maklumat ini tersebar.

9. Bacaan berguna

Bagi yang tak tahu menahu mengenai isu ini boleh baca beberapa link berikut:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Eleven Hints for Life

Well peeps, live the life on earth while we can. Then the aftermath waiting, just be prepared. I wanna share some thought about our life. They're good. Read, understand, swallow, and live with them. 

1. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return.
But what is more painful is to love someone and never
find the courage to let that person know how you feel.

2. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who
means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was
never meant to be and you just have to let go.

3. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a
porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away
feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

4. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose
it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been
missing until it arrives.

5. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an
hour to like someone, and a day to love someone-but it
takes a lifetime to forget someone.

6. Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth,
even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you
smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day
seem bright.

7. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go,
be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and
one chance to do all the things you want to do.

8. Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it
hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.

9. A careless word may kindle strife. A cruel word may wreck
a life. A timely word may level stress. But a loving word may
heal and bless.

10. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best
of everything they just make the most of everything that comes
along their way.

11. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with
a tear. When you were born, you were crying and everyone
around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die,
you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jar of Hearts

Song and Lyrics for the day. 

Christina Perri trivia
- born August 19, 1986 
- an American singer and songwriter from Philadelphia
- her song "Jar of Hearts" charted in the United States after it was featured on the Fox television show So You Think You Can Dance in 2010. 
- Rolling Stone named her the "Band of the Week" on October 26, 2010.

Jar of Heart - Christina Perri

i know i can’t take one more step towards you
cause all thats waiting is regret
don’t you know i’m not your ghost anymore
you lost the love i loved the most
i learned to live, half alive
and now you want me one more time
who do you think you are?
runnin’ ’round leaving scars
collecting a jar of hearts
tearing love apart
you’re gonna catch a cold
from the ice inside your soul
don’t come back for me
who do you think you are?
i hear you’re asking all around
if i am anywhere to be found
but i have grown too strong
to ever fall back in your arms
ive learned to live, half alive
and now you want me one more time
who do you think you are?
runnin’ ’round leaving scars
collecting a jar of hearts
and tearing love apart
you’re gonna catch a cold
from the ice inside your soul
don’t come back for me
who do you think you are?
it took so long just to feel alright
remember how to put back the light in my eyes
i wish i had missed the first time that we kissed
cause you broke all your promises
and now you’re back
you don’t get to get me back
who do you think you are?
running around leaving scars
collecting a jar of hearts
and tearing love apart
you’re gonna catch a cold
from the ice inside your soul
so don’t come back for me
don't come back at all

who do you think you are?
who do you think you are?
who do you think you are?

Listen, watch the clipz and download the song if you haven't yet!! it's a must...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Samarinda: Ayoub

AYOUB merupakan drama Samarinda yang baru tamat di TV3. AYOUB merupakan sebuah drama terbitan Grand Brilliance Sdn Bhd.  Drama TV3 ini mempunyai 25 episod dan diarahkan oleh pengarah, Hilter M Zami dengan membariskan pelakon-pelakon popular tanah air seperti Iqram Dinzly, Fizz Fairuz, Fiza Halim, Watie Sadeli, Rosnah Johari, Norish Karman, Razak Ahmad, Ahmad Tarmimi Siregar, Dato’ Rahim Razali dan Mak Jah.

Ayoub dibesarkan oleh ibunya, Banun lakonan Rosnah Johari dalam keadaan yang sederhana selepas ayahnya, Musen meninggal dunia semasa Banun baru mengandung. Ibu bapa Musen yang berasal daripada keluarga yang berada menyangka Banun berlaku curang dengan Mat Sewel lakonan Razak Ahmad, lalu tidak mengaku Ayoub sebagai cucu mereka.

Ayoub mempunyai seorang kawan karib, Wan Aidil lakonan Fizz Fairuz sejak bangku sekolah. Ibu Wan Aidil, Norma (Norish Karman) sentiasa cemburu terhadap Banun dan tidak membenarkan Wan Aidil rapat dengan Ayoub.
Wan Aidil telah berkahwin dengan Sazzy (Watie Elite), seorang gadis bandar yang kaya. Norma berasa bangga dengan kejayaan anaknya namun dia selalu mendesak Wan Aidil supaya lebih berjaya daripada Ayoub.

sila download kepada yang nak download. selamat!!!

mediafire password if needed :


























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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

N 05, Tenang: Azhar Ibrahim Calon BN

Mohd Azahar Ibrahim diumumkan Calon mewakili BN dalam pilihan raya kecil DUN Tenang hujung bulan ini. Beliau merupakan bendahari Pemuda Umno Labis.

Azahar Ibrahim merupakan anak kelahiran Labis Segamat berusia 39 tahun. Azahar Ibrahim mendirikan rumah tangga dengan Puan Tuty Roshizana binti Tumin berusia 31 tahun . Beliau telah dikurnikan tiga (3) cahayamata berusia 6 tahun, 2 tahun dan 7 bulan.

Beliau mendapat Diploma Pentadbiran Awam Melaka pada tahun 1993 dan melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat Ijazah Sains Politik di Portsmouth, United Kingdom dengan kepujian.

Pada tahun 2000 beliau telah memualkan kerjayanya sebagai Penolong Pentadbir Tanah Segamat hingga 2006. Selepas itu beliau telah bertugas sebagai Penolong Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Kecil Rengit Batu Pahat Johor.

Azahar merupakan anak kepada bekas Adun Tenang dan keluarganya amat disenangi oleh penduduk disini.Bekas Penolong Pentadbir Tanah Azahar Ibrahin bakal ditentang oleh Ketua Muslimah Pas dan juga bekas guru berkelulusan dari Kolej Perguruan Tuanku Bainun, Pulau Pinang,Normala Sudirman.

SPR menetapkan 22 Januari ini tarikh penamaan calon dan 30 Januari 2011 tarikh pengundian. Pilihanraya Kecil Dun Tenang dibuat selepas kematian Allahyarham Dato Sulaiman Tapa

Sunday, January 16, 2011

N 05, Tenang : Cikgu Mala Calon Pas

LABIS, 16 Jan: Naib Ketua Dewan Muslimat PAS Johor, Normala Sudirman diumumkan sebagai calon PAS mewakili Pakatan Rakyat untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) Tenang, 30 Januari ini.

Pengumuman nama Normala, 38, yang juga Ketua Muslimah PAS Labis, hari ini oleh Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang pada majlis yang turut dihadiri oleh Presiden Keadilan Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail dan penasihat DAP Lim Kit Siang. Dikenali lebih mesra dengan nama Cikgu Mala, beliau merupakan salah satu nama yang telah disenarai pendek oleh parti tersebut bagi menghadapi calon BN pada pilihan raya kecil yang akan dilangsungkan pada 30 Jan nanti.

Mengenai pemilihan Normala sebagai calon, Abdul Hadi berkata: "PAS sedar wanita juga pengundi dan mereka juga perlukan suara mereka didengar". Beliau menambah ini bukan kali pertama PAS mengetengahkan wanita sebagai calonnya pada pilihan raya.

Normala merupakan anak kelahiran Kampung Serom 3, Muar dan merupakan anak sulung daripada lima orang adik-beradik. Isteri kepada Makrof Abd Mutalib, beliau merupakan ibu kepada seorang anak perempuan dan dua lelaki. Normala adalah graduan Maktab Perguruan Tuanku Bainun, Pulau Pinang dan merupakan anak generasi kedua FELDA.

Beliau yang memegang Diploma Perguruan mula menggiatkan diri dalam Pas selepas menamatkan pengajian pada 1997. Penamaan calon bagi pilihan raya kecil DUN itu ditetapkan pada 22 Jan ini.

Barisan Nasional (BN) pula akan mengumumkan calonnya pada Rabu nanti.

Hari Bersamanya

Hari yang malam2 ni seorg kawan di FB mengingatkan aku akan lagu Hari Bersamanya ni, lagu Sheila on 7. Lagu ni mmg nice pon, typikal indon song. Tapi ok. Layan laa kalau nak relax2... nmpak nya lagu ni akan di mainkan 2 3 kali lagi malam ni sementara menunggu masa light-off. macam duk asrama pulek... hahaha. 
sedikit ulasan; lagu ni berkisar ttg seorang lelaki yang sgt menyayangi seorg wanita, dan mahu menghabiskan masa andai masa itu sudah bersisa bagi si lelaki ni utk terus bersama wanita yang die dah lama dambakan dan akhirnya mereka bersama. lelaki ni memohon pada Tuhan agar dia terus di beri kesempatan utk terus menatap mata wanita itu, seolah-olah itu adalah hari terakhir dia menghela nafas. 
dalam point of view from different angle, lagu ni sesuai di tujukan kepada seorang wanita bernama IBU. mmg cantik bait2 kata lagu ni bila di tujukan pada seorg ibu. pandang wajah ibu dengan senyum pon dah dapat pahala, mmg sesuai lah utk habiskan andai itu waktu terakhir ngan ibu kita~
sesuailah dengan kawan aku tu, sbb die dah kawin dah. so mmg wajarlah die ada harapan seumpama ni. sangat tak sesuai lah kepada golongan2 yang belum ade hubungan yang sah tu utk memperaktikkan erti lagu ni dan harap lebih2 yer... hahaha  kepada yang tak kawen tu, tujukan lagu ni kepada ibu kita semua yang tercinta, semoga kita mendapat segala peluang utk terus menabur bakti sehingga akhir hayat kita pada mereka. InsyaAllah.

ni lirik lagu Hari Bersamanya tu, kat bawah tu ade link mediafir bagi sape2 yang belum ade lagu ni, sile2 lah download. terima kasih~~~

Hari telah terganti
Tak bisa ku hindari
Tibalah saat ini bertemu dengannya
Jantungku berdegup cepat
Kaki bergetar hebat
Akankah aku ulangi merusak harinya
Mohon Tuhan
Untuk kali ini saja
Beri aku kekuatan
‘tuk menatap matanya
Mohon Tuhan
Untuk kali ini saja
Lancarkanlah hariku
Hariku bersamanya
Hariku bersamanya
Kau tahu betapa aku
Lemah dihadapannya
Kau tahu berapa lama
Aku mendambakannya
Tuhan tolonglah (beri kesempatan)
Tuhan tolonglah (beri kesempatan)
Hariku bersamanya
Hari bersamanya
Hari bersamanya
Hari bersamanya
Hari bersamanya
Hari bersamanya
Hari bersamanya

Tuhan tolonglah
Hari bersamanya
Tuhan tolonglah
Hari bersamanya

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Humor Me with the Advertisements

Believe it or not, these ads actually found their way into newspapers all over the world as well as the billboard. 

1. Braille dictionary for sale. Must see to appreciate.

2. Help wanted, singer for rock band. Must be female or male. (do any other kind exists?)

3. Help wanted, adult or mature teenager to baby-sit. One dollar an hour.

4. Christmas sale. Handmade gifts for the hard-to- find person.

5. Three-year old teacher <--(WTF????) needed for pre-school. Experience preferred.

6. Tired of working for only $9.75 per hour? We offer profit sharing and flexible hours. Starting pay: $7 -- $9 per hour. (I think I'll consider...)

7. Our sofa seats the whole mob and it’s made of 100% Italian leather. (very related indeed)

8. Full sized mattress. 20 year warranty. Like New. Slight urine smell.

9. Found: dirty white dog. Looks like a rat... been out while. Better be reward.

10. Exercise equipment: Queen Size Mattress & Box Springs - $175. (PG18)

11. Free puppies: part German Shepherd, part stupid dog.

12. German Shepherd, 85 lbs. Neutered. Speaks German. Free.

13. Snow Blower for sale…only used on snowy days. (of course it is~~)

14. Nice Parachute – Never opened. Used once. (More explanation please!)

15. Shakespeare’s Pizza. Free chopsticks. (for pizza??!!)

16. Tickle-Me-Elmo, still in box, comes with its own 1988 Ford Mustang, 5L, Auto, Excellent condition $6800. (super expensive elmo~~~)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Never Let Me Go

Mark Romanek's Never Let Me Go opens with a scene of a woman staring at a man on an operating table. She stares at him through a glass wall and he stares back at her, a tear streaming down his cheek. It is moments like these that work so well in Never Let Me Go, a dystopian science fiction drama that is both tender and frightening all at once. Romanek's haunting imagery combined with some great acting really make this film work as a great adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro's still greater book of the same title. 

Without saying too much, Never Let Me Go is a story about what it truly means to be humans. That does not mean that there are aliens involved, but there are other science fiction elements that are subtly blended with complex emotions. The story revolves around Ruth, Tommy, and Kathy, three children growing up at a school called Hailsham. Hailsham is bizarre in many ways, but the children simply take it as it is. The children eventually learn a nasty secret about themselves from a teacher, Miss Lucy. Ruth (Keira Knightley), Tommy (Andrew Garfield), and Kathy's (Carey Mulligan) lives change forever as they suddenly learn to live their lives differently. As they grow up together, they experience the feeling in life, sadness, and love in unexpected ways.

Never Let Me Go is sad, depressing, and interesting in many ways.  If any movie could make you sad for hours, it would be this one, so be prepared, and bring some tissues. The purpose of their life is to give other people to live longer. They were meant to be 'sacrifice' for others. They live, when they are 'ripe' enough their life being ripe off. They never get the chance to make their own life decision, as when they are born they were already know when they gonna holding their last breath. They try to live like others, but they can't as they a not born to be other person. The love that blooms secretly between Kathy and Tommy was left aside as they already knew their not gonna be able to go on for the life together forever. It is sad and depressing. Plus the present of their best friend, Ruth to take away Kathy's chance to be with Tommy afraid that she's gonna be the one who left alone. 

The cinematography fulfills the book's sense of depression through images of repetition. One especially beautiful shot is the closing one in which two pieces of cloth lie tethered, almost trapped, on a barbed wire fence blowing in the wind. The film's beauty lies in its color palette, which leaves out all primary colors. The scenery of English old building reflected the emotion of the sadness, hope, frustration, love and envy between these three main cast. 

The acting from all three main actors is excellent. Carey Mulligan shines again here, although her performance is probably better in An Education and in the Wall Street, Money Never Sleep. Andrew Garfield, a fairly new actor, does well as Tommy, playing his character with all the strange mannerisms but he still quite good as in The Social Network. Keira Knightley also is quite good as the conniving Ruth. The irony of choosing these two actresses where Kathy has blonde hair and she looks very humble, down to earth, patient and keeping-to-herself type while Kiera with a long black hair, reflect the arrogant, selfish, and envy personality. For me, Kiera and Carey did a good job acting with their eyes. 

The pacing of the movie was its biggest problem. The middle of the movie inches along a bit too slowly. I am not sure about the book, but it somehow meeting my expectation slowly. The slow pace give me more time to digest the whole situation, get into each character deeper. It may been nicer if its goes a little bit pacey, but it has been cover with great cinematography and still images. 

As Never Let Me Go shows, coming into a person's life can be even harder than letting go. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What The Hell !!!

Goodbye Lullaby cover album
hahahahaha, bukan nak maki hamun la pagi-pagi nih, just nak share lagu baru Avril Lavigne saje... hahaha. WTH, her latest single. Yeah... lyrics and mediafire link below... 

Yes! It’s Avril Lavigne’s brand new single, from Avril’s upcoming album Goodbye Lullaby. What The Hell is released on 7 January 2011, and the album is set to be released on 8 March 2011. 

get the song and listen yourself.!!! =)

You say that I'm messing with your head
All cause I was making out with your friend
Love hurts whether it's right or wrong
I can't stop cause I'm having too much fun

You're on your knees
Begging please
Stay with me
But honestly
I just need to be a little crazy

All my life I've been good,
But now
I'm thinking What The Hell
All I want is to mess around
And I don't really care about
If you love me
If you hate me
You can save me
Baby, baby
All my life I've been good
But now
What The Hell

So what if I go out on a million dates
You never call or listen to me anyway
I'd rather rage than sit around and wait all day
Don't get me wrong
I just need some time to play

You're on your knees
Begging please
Stay with me
But honestly
I just need to be a little crazy

All my life I've been good,
But now
I'm thinking What The Hell
All I want is to mess around

And I don't really care about
If you love me
If you hate me
You can save me
Baby, baby
All my life I've been good
But now
What The Hell

Lalalala la la
Whoa Whoa
Lalalala la la
Whoa Whoa

You say that I'm messing with your head
Boy, I like messing in your bed
Yeah, I am messing with your head when
I'm messing with you in bed

All my life I've been good,
But now
I'm thinking What The Hell
All I want is to mess around
And I don't really care about
All my life I've been good,
But now
I'm thinking What The Hell
All I want is to mess around
And I don't really care about
If you love me
If you hate me
You can save me
Baby, baby
All my life I've been good
But now
What The Hell


mediafire link: