Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hello July

Hello July and Bye-Bye June. Time passes by, car driven by, wind  flown by, life aged by, Mikhaeel is still in the mood, life must go on for those who breathing.

Anybody born in July??? Some info 'bout y'all. Hehe... normally it's 89.76343% true. See and read to believe it.

* Sangat suka didamping.
* Banyak berahsia dan sukar dimengerti terutamanya lelaki.
* Agak pendiam kecuali dirangsang.
* Ada harga dan maruah diri.
* Tak suka menyusahkan orang lain tapi tidak marah apabila disusahkan.
* Mudah dipujuk dan bercakap lurus.
* Sangat menjaga hati orang lain.
* Sangat peramah.
* Emosi sangat mendalam tapi mudah terluka hatinya.
* Berjiwa sentimental.
* Jarang berdendam.
* Mudah memaafkan tapi sukar melupakan.
* Tidak suka benda remeh-temeh.
* Membimbing cara fizikal dan mental.
* Sangat peka, mengambil berat dan mengasihi serta penyayang.
* Layanan yang serupa terhadap semua orang.
* Tinggi daya simpati.
* Pemerhatian yang tajam.
* Suka menilai orang lain melalui pemerhatian.
* Mudah dan rajin belajar.
* Suka muhasabah diri.
* Suka mengenangkan peristiwa atau kawan lama.
* Suka mendiamkan diri.
* Suka duduk di rumah.
* Suka tunggu kawan tapi tak cari kawan.
* Tidak agresif kecuali terpaksa.
* Lemah dari segi kesihatan perut.
* Mudah gemuk kalau tak kawal diet.
* Minta disayangi.
* Mudah terluka hati tapi lambat pulih.
* Terlalu mengambil berat.
* Rajin dalam membuat kerja

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Earth Song - Mikhaeel Tribute

What about sunrise 
What about rain 
What about all the things 
That you said we were to gain.. . 
What about killing fields 
Is there a time 
What about all the things 
That you said was yours and mine... 
Did you ever stop to notice 
All the blood we've shed before 
Did you ever stop to notice 
The crying Earth the weeping shores? 

What have we done to the world 
Look what we've done 
What about all the peace 
That you pledge your only son... 
What about flowering fields 
Is there a time 
What about all the dreams 
That you said was yours and mine... 
Did you ever stop to notice 
All the children dead from war 
Did you ever stop to notice 
The crying Earth the weeping shores 

I used to dream 
I used to glance beyond the stars 
Now I don't know where we are 
Although I know we've drifted far 

Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah 
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah 

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Mikaeel Jackson

Replacing it is a tribute post to “King of Pop”, who else other than Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson had passed away at his home in Los Angeles at local time 1426 on June 25, 2009 (Malaysian time 0626 on June 26, 2009). The cause of his death is suspected to be cardiac arrest. I was shocked hearing the news from radio when I just woke up that morning. A star has fallen!

His solo career was at its peak in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s when I was too young to pick up interest on western music back then. Even today, I hardly listen to any song of western world except those chart toppers. Nevertheless, some of Jackson’s songs are still my all time favorite till this day, including “Thriller”, “Beat it”, “Billie Jean”, “Bad”, “Jam”, “Heal the World”, “Black or White”, “Will You Be There”, “Dangerous”, “Scream”, “They Don’t Care About Us”, “Earth Song”, “You Are Not Alone”, “Cry” and many more, cannot possibly list out all of them!

Michael was born seventh to 9 children of Joseph Jackson on August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana, United States. He began his musical career at the age of 8 when he joined the Jackson Brothers, a band formed by his other 4 brothers. The group’s name was later changed to The Jackson 5. Michael had soon taken over the role as lead vocal for the group. The Jackson 5 popular singles include “I Want You Back”, “ABC”, “The Love You Save” and “I’ll Be There”.

Michael Jackson began his solo career in 1971 while still a member of the group. In his more than successful career spanning almost 4 decades, Michael has won numerous awards. Five of his solo albums are the world’s best selling records of all time. They are Off the Wall (1979), Thriller (1982), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and HIStory (1995). He is also one of the few artists to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice. He won multiple Guinness World Records including the most Grammy Awards won in a year, most hit singles in the UK charts in a year, best selling album of all time, longest span of No.1 hits by an R&B artist, best selling music video, highest annual earnings ever for a pop star, and most successful pop music family.

May Allah blessed u, Mikhaeel.

Monday, June 22, 2009

I Look in the Eye

Is this the moment where 
I look you in the eye?
Forgive my broken promise 
that you'll never see me cry
And everything, it will surely change
Even if I tell you I won't go away today

I know she's living in sadness every single day
And so I ask, 
oh God is there some way for me to take her place?
And when they say it's all touch and go
I wish I could make it go away 
but still you say

Will you think that you're all alone
When no one's there to hold your hand?
When all you know seems so far away
And everything is temporary
Rest your head
I'm permanent
Never fade away

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sweet Sayings

Some qoutes to be posted. Nice to say, sweet to be heard, light to be felt, touch to be understand. Rule of life... the only rule. DON'T BE BORING. Dress  CUTE wherever you go. LIFE is too short to BLEND it. Isn't that nice!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Etika Konvoi Berkereta

I just wanna post something about convoy coz recently i'd just had one. which in my POV... the thing not going the way it supposed to be conducted. Used to in another one before... and this time arround the thing went some way off the standard. It's my POV anyway... we're Malaysian, free to speak up right. Take a minutes and try to figure it out~ 

Konvoi berkereta di bahagikan kepada empat bahagian:

*Kereta Lead



*Kereta Peserta

Kereta Lead

1. Lead Car harus lah menentukan had kelajuan sesebuah konvoi, dan harus sentiasa beringat tentang jarak dan bahawa ada kereta jauh di bahagian belakang sesebuah konvoi.

2. Kerap memerhati melalui cermin sisi memastikan bahawa semasa konvoi kereta tidak jarak terlalu jauh.

3. Jika menempuh terlalu banyak lampu isyarat, Ia patut berhenti di sesuatu tempat yang selamat dan tidak menggangu lalu lintas sementara menunggu untuk mengumpulkan konvoi semula.

4. Sentiasa memberikan isyarat jika menukar arah.

5. Memberitahu konvoi di mana akan berlepas dan berhenti atau konvoi disediakan dengan peta.


1. Sentiasa berhubung pandang dengan kereta Lead (Jika Perlu).

2. Menggunakan hubungan 2 hala (Walkie Talkie) untuk menghubungi Kereta Lead.

3. Jika Kereta Lead memberikan isyarat memotong kepada kereta lain. Biarkan kereta yg tidak dalam konvoi unutk memotong dalam keadaan selamat di samping tidak menganggu konvoi.

4. Hubungi kereta Lead jika kereta di belakang ingin bergerak laju dalam sesuatu keadaan kecemasan.


1. Berada di tengah2 semasa konvoi.

2. Akan keluar dari konvoi (atau boleh berada di mana2 untuk memastikan konvoi dalam satu kumpulan.

3. Membantu konvoi berjalan lancar di suatu persimpangan.

4. Memastikan konvoi tersusun.

Kereta Peserta

1. Tidak di benarkan memotong kecuali jika ada kecemasan.

2. Memerhatikan kereta lead jika ingin memotong (gunakan isyarat)

3. menjarakkan antara kereta di depan dalam keadaan selamat dan selesa

4. Tidak membiarkan kereta di hadapan terkeluar dari susunan.

5. Flash kan lampu jika ada kecemasan.

1. Perkara Am

Sebelum berkonvoi Buat pemeriksaan ke atas kereta anda spt memasti kan semua minyak cukup , tekanan tayar dan lain2 dalam keadaan baik. Datang ke tempat permulaan konvoi dan sentiasa dengar penerangan yang diberikan tentang perjalanan dan destinasi konvoi tersebut. Sentiasa bersedia untuk berlepas dengan minyak yang cukup di dalam tangki kereta anda. Jika anda ingin mengubah haluan ke tempat lain atau ingin mengakhiri konvoi dapat lah sekiranya memberitahu kereta Lead, Marshall atau petugas yang lain. Ini supaya tidak mengelirukan peserta yang lain yag mmungkin menyebabkan mereka akan mengikuti peserta yang tidak menyertai konvoi dalam sesuatu keadaan.

2. Menyalakan Lampu

Semasa waktu siang nyalakan lampu kecil dan lampu fog anda.Semasa waktu malam nyalakan headlight dan fog light anda.Ini akan memberitahu kepada pengguna yang lain apa yang terjadi. Peserta lain dapat mengenali anda dengan menyalakan lampu serta tahu bahawa anda dalam konvoi yang sama.Ini memudahkan Jika salah seorang peserta konvoi dalam kecemasan ( memberhentikan/memperlahankan kereta maka anda dapat melihat dan mengesahkan itu ada lah salah seorang peserta konvoi dengan menggunakan cermin sisi.

3. Jangan Mengekori Di Belakang Kereta Terlalu Dekat

Jangan mengikut kereta di hadapan terlalu dekat dan dengan kelajuan yang maksima. Ini amat lah merbahaya. Sentiasa pastikan anda di jarak yang selesa dan selamat.

4. Membenarkan Kenderaan Lain Mencelah

Selalunya , Peserta di dalam konvoi tidak membenarkan kenderaan mencelah atau memasuki susunan konvoi. Walau bagaimana pun konvoi sebenarnya membenarkan kenderaan lain keluar masuk dari susunan konvoi. Kebiasaannya kenderaan bukan peserta suka mengugut , menakut nakutkan peserta di dalam konvoi atau inginkan keistimewaan mungkin kerana pandangan pemandu yang tidak jelas dan ingin kan jalan yang tiada gangguan. Peserta konvoi haruslah mempunyai sikap sabar dan timbang rasa untuk membiarkan mereka memotong, melepasi konvoi kita dalam sesuatu keadaan yang sukar. Seharusnya dengan begitu konvoi kita teratur dan tidak mendatang kan emosi sekaligus dapat mengelakkan kejadian yang tak diingini.

5. Kereta Lead Sentiasa Bertanggungjawab Memastikan Kelajuan.

Ia adalah amat sukar tetapi amat mudah untuk membiarkan peserta memecut kelajuan dengan sesuka hati. Ini kerana di dalam konvoi ada berbagai sikap pemandu dan jkemampuan kereta peserta. Tidak di nafikan akan adanya yang berkata konvoi terlalu laju atau terlalu perlahan. Cuba pastikan kereta anda masih di dalam susunn konvoi tanpa mengganggu lalulintas yang lain. Ini dapat mengurangkan atau tidak ada potong memotong antara satu sama lain semasa berkonvoi. Ini adalah sikap peserta sendiri bertanggungjawab memastikan kereta di belakang , di sisi berada dalam susunan.Jika kereta di belakang perlahan. Pasti kan peserta tidak meninggalkan kereta terlalu jauh ( perlahan kan juga kenderaan anda). Maka konvoi tidak akan terputus. Jangan memecut laju dan meninggalkanSusunan konvoi untuk keselesaan memecut atau cuba mengikuti, mencabar kenderaan lain yang cuba mengganggu konvoi. Adalah lebih baik membiarkan kenderaan itu berlalu dan anda kembali kepada susunan konvoi.

6. Berlaku Kecemasan Atau Masalah.

Jika ada berlaku masalah atau kecemasan, tiada sesiapa peserta konvoi berhenti melainkan kereta sweeper sahaja. Sweeper akan memastikan keadaan terkawal dan konvoi haruslah meneruskan perjalanan sehingga suatu tempat yang dibenarkan berhenti dan selamat. Ini kerana satu susunan konvoi jika berhenti juga untuk memberikan pertolongan ( atas sikap ingin menolong) mudah mengundang kemalangan terutama di jalan yang sibuk.

7. Sentiasa Tenang

Kadangkala tidak semua seperti yang dirancangkan akan sukses. Kebiasaannya peserta di dalam konvoi mengharapkan atau menjangkakan sesuatu yang baik dan menggembirakan untuk agenda2 yang dirancang apabila sampai ke destinasi. Adalah amat penting untuk peserta dalam keadaan sabar , tenang, selesa dan sedia menghadapi kemungkinan seperti perjalanan menjadi lambat kerana kesesakan lalulintas dan tergelincir dari jadual sebenar.

8. Keluar / Masuk Lebuhraya

Ada yang menggunakan Touch N Go , Tag dan tunai. Walau apa cara sekalipun anda membayar sentiasalah memperlahankan kenderaan anda dan berhenti di belakang kereta Lead di tepi dan menhidupkan lampu hazard (double signal). Jangan keluar daripada kereta. Tunggu sehingga semua berada di susunan semula (sweeper akan memastikan susunan ini) . Matikan double signal dan berikan signal perlahan lahan masuk ke lane perlahan unutk meneruskan perjalanan.

9. Memotong

Memotong adalah dibenarkan pada keadaan yang selamat dan tidak melanggar undang2 jalanraya. Jangan memotong pada garisan berkembar atau tidak pasti keadaan jalan dari arah bertentangan. Dalam sesuatu konvoi jika peserta atau kenderaan bukan peserta ingin memotong, biarkan ia memotong dan anda jangan terlalu rapat dengan kereta hadapan dan menyebabkan kereta yang memotong anda dalam keadaan yang bahaya. Seeloknya peserta di dalam konvoi tidak perlu lah untuk memotong sesama sendiri demi mengekalkan susunan kereta.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Halia digunakan sebagai rempah perasa dan ubatan. 

Tanaman ini tergolong dalam kategori ubat- ubatan tradisional Melayu yang dikatakan dapat membantu menghadamkan makanan, menguatkan tenaga batin, dan membuang angin yang terdapat di dalam usus kecil dan usus besar. 

Ubat-ubatan dari halia juga dikatakan boleh mengawal beberapa penyakit seperti deman, batuk, migrin, sakit gigi, sakit tulang, sengugut dan sesak dada. 

Halia juga bersifat karminatif, stimulant dan pembunuh kuman jika diambil sebagai ubat. Halia boleh diproses untuk pengeluaran minyak dan hasil ekstrak. 

Bahan aktif dalam ekstrak halia ialah gingerols dan oleoresin. 

Minyak halia boleh dijadikan bahan perisa minuman buah-buahan, konfeksionari, kosmetik dan ubatan. 

Biasanya dalam perubatan halia diambil dalam bentuk minuman halia, halia kering, air rebusan halia atau pati halia manakala dalam masakan pula dalam bentuk halia segar, halia kering dan halia bergula. 

Halia juga boleh diproses sebagai serbuk halia, halia jeruk dan bahan perasa untuk pelbagai makanan seperti sos dan bakeri.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Insp Jarques Clouseau

Pink Phanter 2... might be the best comedy movie so far for me this year. hahaha... can't stop laughing at on my own bed. I just watched this movie coz i read somewhere that this sequel of Pink Phanter is way off the standard from the previous one. But hey... I might think they are wrong. 

I dont find this movie is pathetic. Its a good story line anyway. The fun was there eventhough some where might be kinda stupid jokes... but it got cover anyway by another excellent manuever. 

Steve Martin done his job one more time to save the Pink Phanter diamond from been stolen by Aishwarya Rai. Bollywood gone Hollywood. Which Malaysian done it years before... dun u remember that Bond girl... Michelle Yeoh. 

Another additional factor that make me like this movie is Nicole Durant a.k.a Emily Mortimer a 37-years old beautiful lady who born in London and studied in Oxford. Her lovely act in this movie really make an impact. With a beautiful innocent looking specky detictive assistant role, she really nailed it. Thumbs Up!!!

Isn't she lovely????

Rating for this movie... 7.7/10.

Drag Me to Hell

Drag me to hell... sounds not that intresting for anyone of us. Shuuuhhhhh... go and gone!!! Pray to God it will not be happen. God's Will. American, a very free soil, they do enything they want... and we Malaysian, watched anything they sent us. haha.

Its a ghost story... long time not watching this sort of story line. Not really into me. haha... not really wanna think about this kind of creature that much. The last movie of this kind i watched was The Exorcist of Emily Rose with Melia, its a long long long time ago. 

The story was quite ok... somehow funny. Sound effects was cool, acting ok... with Justin Long on scene. Yaa... this story somehow related to religion. Just watched and dont try to do it. Seriusly forbidden. 

What I really like about this movie is... the twist that the script offer. It's not a dull ordinary happy ending that we always be served with. A little of ordinary track... one of the road not ussually taken by producer. Thumbs up!!! I dun think I would love this movie if the ending be the other way arround. 

Rating for this movie... 7.4/10. It's cool but not suite my taste in the best way. Anyway, this movie somehow make the cinema cleaner got extra works to do, when much of the popcorn was drop on the floor as the are shock and unintentionally the popcorn really pop from the paper box. hahaha...

Pemusnah Diselamatkan

One of the this weekend movie. Had a very packed weekend with movie actually this week. haha... what can i do. I really into movies. Some might dun think its fun, but for me... it does. 

Some of my POV 'bout this movie. I rather said this latest sequel kinda of track from the last three version of this kind. The effect, CGI was abnormally awesome. The story line not that very intresting though. It's like an impossible situation for a real life.. but hey, its a movie anyway. Dont be too realistic 'bout that. U can made something out of that aite. 

2018... i dun think the time will suit the condition. Very poor American it that is about to happen. Our nation not yet fullfil our vision 2020... haha. And US already been destroyed. haha... poor them. 

Chritian Bale... I'm not a big fan of him anyway. Dun really like the way he acts... hehe. If John Connor character is given to Hugh Jackman, my faveret Hollywood actor, it will be thousand time awesome. hahaha. or maybe the role is given to Timothy Olyphant. Not a very popular guy in silver screen, but he really nailed it when he do the Agent 47 in Hitman, he's Thomas Gabriel in Die Hard 4.0 anyway for those who not watched Hitman. 

Rating for this movie... 7.8/10. Not really into it~ but action-packed still. 

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Familiar Faces

All around are me are familiar faces
Worn out places
Worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going nowhere 
Going everywhere

And their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression 
Nothing to express
Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrows
No tomorrow 

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
And they feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen

Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me 
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me

And I find it kind of funny, 
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had

I fine it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles 
It's a very very
Mad world, Mad world

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy Wedding

Congrats to Win, my ofismate merangkap my SV little-little and his wife for successfully been united in a very sacred knot between a truthful guy and a beautiful lady called ~nikah~

wish u guys all the very best that a married couple could get in this world. joy and sorrow forever togather and happily ever after~ 

Sunday, June 7, 2009


A very meaningful song by Afgan, jumped into this song when I first went to Nana's freindster page. Listen to the lyrics and Google for the song... there you go... Entah.

Kutahu, kau selingkuh
kau duakan cintaku yang tulus
kau tahu, diriku
tak pernah berpaling dari dirimu
tega nya kau dustai semua
janji kita berdua

Entah masih kah ada cinta dihatiku
untuk mu
entah kapan kah ku dapat membuka hati ini, untuk mu..o...

Tak pernah ku bayangkan
cerita kita berakhir begini
tega nya kau dustai semua
janji kita berdua

Entah masih kah ada cinta dihatiku
untuk mu
entah kapan kah ku dapat membuka hati ini, untuk mu..o...

Masih kah ada, o...
cinta dihati ini
dihati kecilku berharap kau masih bagian dari hidupku...

Entah masih kah ada cinta dihatiku
untuk mu
entah kapan kah ku dapat membuka hati ini, untuk mu..o...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

He Just Not That Into You

A very nice movie. Romantic, Love, Humor, Desperation, Sadness, Loyalty, Trust, all kind of elements combined extraordianarily fine in the way that its should really be. 

All the stars glimpse in thier own special way of enlighten the character very mush. Ben Afllect, Jen Aniston, Drew, Jen Conoly, Justin Long... owwhhh, exceptional. I really love this kinda story line which related to our life directly or unintentionally which we all might get or mght not really get into it. With special apperance of one of my faveret actress, Julian Moore doing the minicure... adding my loving rate for this movie. 

Im so lucky to have this kinda movie own my bed lying than having this movie on cinema. which my lead to emberassed my self when people gonna see Im sheding a tears at the end of this movie. What can i say... i kinda person that easily touched by that kinda situation. The part i touched the most is when Neil proposing Beth to get married after more than 7 years being together. Put on the ring box in the cargo pants pocket and ask her to look into one of those pocket before dumped the pants into the washing machine. (of course we cant do that rite being together without legal relation right....) But the point that attracted my attention is.... the way of Neil trying to make and fulflling the happiness of her partner to live in marriege. Relationship is not only the understanding between two... but much more further than completing each other. Can't have it writte down... have to experienced it! haha

Rating for the movie... 8.9/10.

Pisces Jeluous Level

I'm born on Feb 25, so I'm a Pisces. bende ni just horoskop laa, just reading and looking for fun. Jangan sesekali percaya sangat2 dengan bende2 gini... Haram. I'm reading it somewhere... and its kinda nice to have it posted on my blog. hehe... sounds like me~

Lelaki yang paling mulia dan baik hati, lagi kuat cemburunya. Tak lain dan tak bukan adalah lelaki Pisces. Indeks cemburunya amat memeranjatkan. Kalau kekasihnya menderhaka kepadanya, dia akan menjadi seperti wanita meraung-raung. Air matanya juga akan tenggelamkan anda.
Indeks: xxxxx

Selamat Pagi Chenta

Terjaga aku dari tidur ku,
setelah jauh melangkau.

Suara kasih mu, mengejut ku,
kembali dalam erat simpulan kasihku.

Selamat Pagi Chenta,
untuk pagi hening ini,
dan sekelian pagi mendatang,
kesempatan itu.
Tak akan berulang lagi,
di waktu dan kala yang lain.

Selamat Pagi Chenta,
usah di akhirkan ceritera suci ini
tiada garis sempadan patut di oleskan
tiada titik noktah harus di caliltkan
kesempadan yang ada
di biar jangan
di lepas sayang
di sambung berkekalan

hidup tanpa mu
hilang pengertian
tandus harapan
terkulai perasaan
maafkan kiranya terdapat calar
tiada setitik nawaitu terlintas begitu
Selamat Pagi Chenta

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Capillary Action

I might wanna share something that i know what really really really is. I know my self not knowing as much as other people does, but one thing for really f***ing sure. This is the phenomena that we called and named it Cappilary Action.

Capillary action is the result of adhesion and surface tension. Adhesion of water to the walls of a vessel will cause an upward force on the liquid at the edges and result in a meniscus which turns upward. The surface tension acts to hold the surface intact, so instead of just the edges moving upward, the whole liquid surface is dragged upward.

Capillary Action occurs when the adhesion to the walls is stronger than the cohesive forces between the liquid molecules. The height to which capillary action will take water in a uniform circular tube is limited by surface tension. Acting around the circumference.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Like a River Meets the Sea

I remember, 
Trying not to stare the night that I first met you 
You had me mezmorized 
And three weeks later, in the front porch light 
taking forty-five minutes to kiss goodnight 
I hadn't told you yet 
but I thought I loved you then 

And i remember, 
Taking you back to right where I first met you, 
You were so surprised 
There were people around, but I didn't care 
Got down on one knee right there once again, 
I thought I loved you then 

And now you're my whole life 
Now you're my whole world 
I just can't believe the way I feel about you, girl 
Like a river meets the sea, 
stronger than it's ever been. 
We've come so far since that day 
And I thought I loved you then 

I could just see you, 
With a baby on the way 
And I could just see you, 
When your hair is turning gray 
What I can't see is how I'm ever gonna love you more 
But I've said that before 

I just can't believe the way I feel about you, girl 
We'll look back someday, at this moment that we're in 
And I'll look at you and say 
I thought I loved you then 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Red Reding Redang

Can i describe it with words??? 
erm let me guess
i think 2000 words might enuf to describe it
aa aaa nope, it won't...
should plus more words
ok... ermmm how 'bout millions???
sounds good....
still wont be!!!
can i ??? i doubt myself....
extreme happiness
extraordinary fun
miles away craziness
those words aint enough
like i said (Edward Cullen's line in Twilight)

boat driven by
time passes by
memoriess faded by???
of course not!!!

fun with dick and jane
fun with fi and li
fun with pi and yu
fun with poh and zi
fun with mie and na
fun with pokli and aunty
too tired to list us all

one crazy thing
its not one ok~
a lots of crazieeeeee thangssss we've done
some really crazzieee
never been thought of doing

lets begin the carziness:
(i'll rate the craziness in the bracket)

board maritim boat for holiday??? (3/10)
wacth penyu bertelur at Redang (3/10)
Man U lost to Barca [ AHAHAHAHA lol ] (9.9/10) -Im lovin' it-
A.G set under the sun for 3 days constantly (4/10)
snorkelling completely around an island (8/10) -extreme condition- exhausted level 9/9.5
pok li act as penyu naik ke darat??? (8/10)
Fii???? who the hell is Fii?? Majistret?? Lawyer?? or Astro Dealer?? (8.7/10)
i' m being succesful swimming instructor??? haha (5/10) 

i just cannot find another fantastic words
really dont
a pic will do
coz 'em are a poem without words

Snapping the beautiful beach anyway

Those are called island

Zilla, Sarah, Me, Kiena, Fii, Ustaz

Can I fly???

Can he jump???

Is that a real turtle??? YES it is....

Can u see the csrytal???

Redang Mutiara at it's best...

In my grip...